Alternatives and Comparison

ScaleSocket vs. Websocketd

ScaleSocket is inteded to be a drop-in replacement for websocketd. It supports many of the same features, but allows websocket connections to share a single backend process.

ScaleSocket fully embraces the concept of rooms, and allows routing messages to specific clients.

Additionally ScaleSocket exposes APIs for fetching room metadata, and metrics, which are useful for building lobbies and monitoring.

Other Alternatives

A comparison of tools offering similar functionality. The table highlights which tools support bidirectional communication with a shared backend instance.

ApplicationLanguageSpawn TechnologyChannelsBidirectional connectionShared backendUse case
ScaleSocketrustprocessesstdio, tcpbidirectional websocket server
planerustdockerhttp, wsbidirectional websocket server
websocketdgoprocessesstdiobidirectional websocket server
websocatrustprocessesstdio, tcpall-round tool
gwsocketcstdio, pipesbidirectional websocket stream
wsbroadrustwebsocket broadcaster
websockifyvariousprocessestcpwebsocket to TCP proxy
agonesgokubernetestcp, udpgameserver scaler
FastCGIcprocessesstdiodynamic websites in 2000's
inetdcprocessesstdiodynamic websites in 1990's

Also some servers, such as NGINX and Caddy support spawning processes and CGI with plugins.

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